Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ordinary, Flawed & Used by God

I’ve heard it said that God uses ordinary people to do His work. Look in the Bible. David was a shepherd. Joseph was a carpenter. Peter was a fisherman. Yet David became probably the most well-known king of Israel. Joseph was chosen to be the earthly father of Jesus. And Peter is known as the founder of the church. These men didn’t start out to change the world. They were just regular people, but they were obedient to God.

But let’s take it another step further. Not only does God use ordinary people; He uses flawed people. Selfish, sinful, disobedient people. Again, look at the Scriptures. King David committed adultery, yet he was known as “a man after God’s own heart.” Rahab was a prostitute and still God used her to help and protect his people. She is even included in the geneology of Jesus. Paul participated in the arrest and murder of Christians but after his life was changed by Jesus, he became God’s #1 spokesman.

So, can God use me? Ordinary me. Flawed me. Absolutely!! For the past 1-1/2 years my husband and I have been leading worship at a small church (a very small church – about 30 people on a good Sunday!). I am constantly amazed at how God uses me. He uses me when I am in a bad mood. He has used me during pregnancy sickness, anxiety attacks, even through coughs & colds.

He uses me in spite of my imperfections. There have been numerous times when we’re driving to church and I’m telling my husband that I’m not sure I should be doing this. I mean - I don’t completely have this Christianity thing figured out myself. I don’t pray as often as I should. I don’t read my Bible every day. Am I really worthy to be up front “leading” these people? The truth is, I’m not worthy, but if I have been called to this by God and I obey, He will honor my obedience.

Just this past weekend after singing one song, I had planned to tell a brief story. When the time came, I ended up saying something completely different than what I had planned. Even at that moment, I wasn’t really sure why. I just believed that it was a God-thing. I might never know why. Perhaps He knew that somebody there needed to hear what I said (and not what I had planned to say!).

So I want to encourage you - don’t wait until you’ve got it all figured out (‘cuz it won’t happen!). You don’t have to be a super saint. Just be ordinary, flawed, and obedient – and wait and see how God uses you. Then come and tell me about it sometime!

(written by Heidi Songer for the Westwood MOPS February 2011 newsletter)

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